Monday, January 15, 2018

Are you a reader?

I used to be a voracious reader. I was the child secretly staying up late with a flashlight under the covers reading Nancy Drew and Harry Potter books. I think college ruined reading a bit for me because during college all my reading was homework and then post-college, the  habit of using tv to relax rather than a book continued.

2018 is a year I'll never forget, I already know it. I'm getting married to the love of my life and starting the adventure of married life and it's a dream fulfilled. God has also given me visions for different areas of ministry I'm involved with and my soul is ablaze to start working on developing these visions. I also challenged myself with some specific goals with detailed plans on how I would achieve them so I'm desperately trying to create good habits that create a passion-filled, fulfilling, God-honoring life. Our church has a phrase "The best is yet to come!" and that's my 2018 phrase.

Here's the 2nd (wow, 2 posts in 15 days, not how I wanted to start this but it is what it is).

 - Spend a few moments writing about a book that inspires you. -

I recently finish a book (after starting it 3 separate times) that was the catalyst for my ministry visions. The Hole in the Gospel by Richard Sterns (retiring President of World Vision) explores the issue of poverty and it's related issues and the responsibility we have as Christians help those in need. As the current volunteer Director of my church's Child Sponsorship program, La BendiciĆ³n, it was clear from the first few chapters that this book was going to be immensely inspirational. I started the book 3 separate times before finishing it because I kept getting distracted by ideas and dreams. It inspired me to use the skills I have been given and the relationships I've built over the years to fulfill God's calling. One of the greatest take aways from the book was that we can work to do what we think is right but if it's not God-ordained and following His plan, then you'll never maximize your potential. My head is still spinning with ideas and dreams but my focus needs to be making sure that those dreams and plans I put in motion are where God is leading.

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