Monday, August 17, 2015

I'm going back to school...sort of!

So it's been a while, a long while, since I've posted a blog entry. I can make a bunch of excuses but really, it comes down to I lost motivation and I got lazy.  If it's a true passion, which I believe writing is for me, then I need to do it, no ifs, ands or buts.

So here goes it...

I am challenging myself starting today. I work full-time as a mortgage loan processor and 3 weeks ago I started with a new company. The details of why I moved companies are mute. They aren't worth my writing time or your reading time. What's done is done.

Even before the job change I knew I wasn't living life to the fullest. I was struggling to find joy and passion in the every day. I became complacent, complaining, lazy and probably a little depressed. When compared to the grand scheme of things, I shouldn't have been feeling any of those things but I was and am.

I needed something outside of work to really focus on, to push me to become better and stronger in my faith. So I decided to join the Working Professional Internship through Hope International University and Gold Creek Community Church. I'm a student again!

I love learning but need the structure of a classroom setting, with homework and deadlines. So today marks the start of journaling the journey.

I'm 26 and spending the next 9 months take 4 classes that will hopefully ignite a deeper level of Faith and relationship with God. Along with classes, the internship requires significant volunteering at church in a certain area. So I expect to be busy but hope to not let that excuse deter me from spending time cultivating my friendships, relaxing and enjoy the life I get to live here on earth.

I don't know what this journal will turn into, I'm not writing it for you but for me and if you happen to read along, fantastic. Maybe this journal will have a larger impact than just my ramblings at the moment. Like I said, life is sort of a jumbled mess right now so I guess it's appropriate this blog entry feels a bit like a jumbled mess.

With that, I'm signing off after doing a 3rd of the required reading for the week. Here goes nothing and everything all at once!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you're writing again. I can't wait to read about your life adventures be it as a student or following the path God has led you down. Between life's bookends lies our story. Make it a good one.
