Well, I'm off to a rockin' start...I've missed days 2-4. But I'm not dwelling on the misses but focusing on the day at hand.
Prompt: Select a family photo, then write about the things you can't see in the picture.

You can't see the pure, boundless love we have for baby Reagan, only a few days into her life outside the womb. There is also unseen (Ok, maybe you can see a bit in my puffy eyes) exhaustion and pain from a c-section. You can't see that I spent 95% of the first week after her birth on that couch, because I couldn't walk up the steep stairs to our bedroom, let alone climb in/out of our bed. You can't see Caleb's makeshift bed on a futon across the room because he didn't want to leave me and baby downstairs while he slept upstairs. You can't see my emotional struggle comprehending and accepting her birth story - an unplanned, emergency c-section only 2 hours after being admitted to the hospital because little miss was coming fast but breach. You can't see my sadness and depression that my pride and joy, my firstborn, would not get to meet friends and family as soon as I would've liked due to COVID-19. That I couldn't take her out and have people fawn over her and comment how cute and wide-eyed she was. You can't see my sigh of relief that my parents were able to fly in from Ohio and stay for a week, I would've been absolutely heartbroken if COVID-19 kept my parents from meeting their first grandchild. You can't see that Tucker adores his human sister and loves to snuggle up with the family during story time but also thinks he inherits any baby toy that squeaks.
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