As a new year begins, I think many of us look back and celebrate the good, try to learn from the bad and make plans for the new.
Especially this year I think most of us are ready to start fresh, start new and say "goodbye" to the year 2020 - one filled with a pandemic, quarantines, lost jobs, lost lives, closed restaurants and businesses, little interaction with extended family and friends and a whole lot more struggles. There are good things to come from 2020 - for me the best being my daughter Reagan who joined us May 26, 2020. While pregnancy and her birth did not go the way I had imagined and planned, she's here, she's healthy and becoming a mom is far better than all the negatives of the year combined.
A lot of us tend to use the new year as a jumping off point to make resolutions, set new intentions, make new goals and dream about the future. We don't really need a new year to do any of those things, or a new month, or a Monday. We can use every day and any day to set new goals or start a new habit. But alas, I still use the new year to do all of those things.
I used to love to write, and read. There are people who tell me I'm a good writer (I'll thank my dad and middle school English teacher for that). And yet, the last couple years I've let the responsibilities of adult-ing (work, being a wife, keeping a household running, cooking, cleaning, and now becoming a mom) de-prioritize those things that bring me joy (not that those other things don't by any means). It seems the world is getting back into finding hobbies amidst the stay-at-home orders.
So with that, I'm going to begin to write again. I attempted to do this a couple years ago and like many new year resolutions, intentions or whatever you choose to call them, it slipped away.
I have a daily writing-prompt journal that I will be going through and my intention is to use this blog as that journal, sharing with you the prompts and my responses. It is a daily journal and I will try to post here as often as I can but I know I can't commit to daily, being realistic here.
Beyond that, I don't have a plan for this blog but if you're interested in reading my attempts at creativity in written word, feel free to follow along. If you like to write, feel free to use those prompts to spark your own written adventure. This blog is just as much for me as anything, or anyone else.
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